Where do I go from here?

Over 50s

As we keep hearing, "50 is the new 40" and if you are approaching retirement age, chances are you’re not ready to put on a pair of slippers and sit watching daytime TV. Many people find themselves at a crossroads at this age, when due to retirement, redundancy or simply by realising that you want more from life, you need to decide what you want to do next.

If you are looking for a new career, or a change in direction later in life, I can help. I provide life coaching for older people who:

  • want to plan how to get the most out of their retirement
  • are looking for new challenges
  • want to set up a new business or make a business out of an existing hobby
  • want to identify and make the most of existing skills

If you would like to arrange a no-obligation chat to discuss how life coaching could help you, email me at: janice@wheredoigofromhere.co.uk

Life coaching

  • Life coaching
  • Clutter clearing
  • Stress management
  • Confidence building


  • Counselling
  • Bereavement
  • Divorce
  • Relationships


  • After redundancy
  • After retirement
  • Returning to work
  • Over 50s