Where do I go from here?


Life likes to throw us all sorts of challenges to deal with. Sometimes those challenges are just too big for us to cope with on our own and can leave us feeling unhappy, lost or confused. At times like these talking to a qualified counsellor can help.

Talking about the issues that you are facing can often make a situation seem less daunting and together we can explore ways to help you find a path through your current situation.

Through counselling, I help people who are suffering from:

  • stress and anxiety
  • lack of confidence or low self-esteem
  • bereavement and loss
  • the breakdown of a relationship
  • family difficulties
  • work and career problems

I will give you the time to focus on your feelings in a safe, relaxed environment. Every session is completely confidential and I will provide the support you need to address the difficulties you are facing and see which way to turn next.

My counselling and coaching qualifications include:

  • Diploma Therapeutic Counselling CPCAB
  • Counselling and Psychotherapy Central Awarding Body CPCAB
  • Advanced Diploma Therapeutic Counselling CPCAB
  • Advanced Diploma Practice of Counselling and Management of Change CPCAB
  • Diploma Facilitation and Leadership - Oasis
  • Certificate Personal Development and Educational Training - Grief, Loss and Dying
  • Advanced Certificate in Human Relations - Oasis

If you would like to arrange a no-obligation chat to discuss how counselling could help you, email me at: janice@wheredoigofromhere.co.uk

Life coaching

  • Life coaching
  • Clutter clearing
  • Stress management
  • Confidence building


  • After redundancy
  • After retirement
  • Returning to work
  • Over 50s